By Definition”ILLEGALS” are CRIMINALS. Who don’t merit REWARDS!

Trash left by ILLEGALS crossing a southern border!









Date Line: 01/25/2018  WASH D.C.


In a move that surprises only the most dimly aware the POTUS has capitulated to the Liberal Media, the Liberal (Dimocraps AND Repubicans) Congress and the very vocal and ignorant minority of (non voting) Americans.

That’s right, In a public move announced today the White House has stated that there is a provision by which ILLEGAL MIGRANTS (a.k.a. criminals, invaders, interlopers, foreign ILLEGALS)  will be allowed to legitimize their CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR and become American citizens.

Let’s be clear about what we’re talking about here. DACA. The OFFICIAL policy of allowing ILLEGALS to remain in a nation rather than do the LEGAL thing and sending them BACK to the HELL HOLES from which they crept.

Let’s examine a parable that may help you understand what this actually does.


Your home, locked doors and windows, fenced and alarmed, is broken into. The burglers, stay, after being caught by you and the police. And they DEMAND that you recognize their right to live IN YOUR HOUSE, RENT FREE, for as long as they want.  The POLICE/Mayor/ City Council all side with them and you are now saddled with the burgler. BUT WAIT.  After a couple weeks several new people appear at your door and demand to be let in because their FAMILY (the aforenamed burglers) called and told them to come join them.   Nine new people live with you.   They demand that you do their laundry, feed and clothe them and, oh yeah, pay their medical expenses because one of the ORIGINAL and 3 of the NEW arrivals are, tada – PREGNANT.

The new arrivals, born into YOUR HOME, now demand that you pay for THEIR expenses and education .

You have, mistakenly, taken this squatters to court, not once but several times, each time the Court sides with you, as the LEGAL home owner, and says these CRIMINALS must vacate and leave but, the City (a “sanctuary” self-proclaimed) says that it disagrees with the court decisions and orders the police not to inforce your court orders.

And today, as the next wave of drug and gang violence erupts in your once peaceful and pristine neighborhood, you are suddenly confronted by a dozen more “family” members of the original Burglers-turned-squatters, who are demanding everything that the others are getting, PLUS 50 inch color TV, Free internet, and filet mignon for dinner because, well, hell YOU OWE IT TO THEM.

Don’t believe me?   GOOD do the research and PROVE ME WRONG.

For the last 30 years this has been happening and it gets worse every year.  The claptrap BS about this being a nation of immigrants IGNORES the TRUTH.  The FIRST people (that’s the NATIVE AMERICANS for you LIBERALS who forgot history) lost this country because of the HORDES of “immigrants” that landed on these shores and STAYED BEYOND THEIR WELCOME. And let’s be clear – YES MY ancestors were among those who came and stayed. The result of this new wave of stupidity is the same. WE ARE LOOSING OUR COUNTRY and we’re blithely helping the thieves STILL OUR MEAL, OUR MONEY, OUR HOMES and everything else.


That the REPUBICAN administration did this further underscores the FACT that there is no longer a  2 party political system in this country.   You have Democrat and Democrat LITE.  The choice you THOUGHT you had is a carefully crafted ILLUSION that has finally been unmasked and revealed in the harsh light of reality.

We’ve been exhorting you to WAKE UP AMERICA before it’s too late.





Good LUCK.

The Dragon has RISEN and bit ya!

<STRONG>What keeps me awake (besides a racking cough) tonight.</STRONG>

Over the past decade I’ve been telling everyone in earshot to keep an eye on China because they were moving very fast towards a power play position in the world. Just as frequently I was told it couldn’t/wouldn’t happen.
Well lets examine the REALITY.

* China now has 3 active (and 2 building) Aircraft Carrier Battle groups (The first time in Chinese History they’ve had the ability to PROJECT FORCES BEYOND THE HORIZON)
* China has, through puppets, gotten control of the Panama Canal after the United States GAVE it to Panama.* China has, again for the first time in history, 2 FOREIGN bases of operation. Last July (2017) they signed a treaty Djibouti which gives them a land base on the African Continent. January 4th 2018 they signed a treaty with Pakistan for a full blown navy base. This now gives China a DIRECT land route to the oil fields of the Saudi Peninsula and the entire Middle East, it al


so gives them another, PEACEFULLY OBTAINED land route to the Med and Europe without bothering Russia!



* China, with these 2 new bases, now can STOP the ENTIRE WORLD OIL SUPPLY at it’s sources. Either in the Middle East or the Western Hemisphere.
They control the Suez Canal, Red Sea, the Straights of Hormuz (which supplies the majority of the oil for the world) and with an aircraft carrier battle group in the Gulf of Mexico they can effectively seize American oil production there too.



So while y’all have been playing fantasy football, grab-ass politics and watching “Reality TV” the Dragon rose up and BIT the world a new one! Think about THAT and try to sleep.